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Standard Tummy Tuck

People often are troubled with overweight issues, and to stay fit they spend countless hours in gym often to no success. Biggest trouble with excessive weight is round belly and troubles with fitting in clothes. Just because youre frustrated with your fat belly individual should not jump on surgical table with the first surgeon he/she meets. Having an understanding about the procedure is important, and patient should study or meet patients of tummy tuck surgery. Prospective patients should also be frank about their need for surgery, and must feel comfortable discussing their queries with surgeon. During your consultation dont try to hide any medical history with the doctor.

Am I a right candidate for Standard tummy tuck?

An Ideal candidate of Standard tummy tuck procedure should be in good mental state. Prospective patient should also have stable weight and extra abdominal skin, muscle weakness or both. Pregnant women cant opt this surgery or if youre planning future pregnancy then you must discuss it with your surgeon. Patients who are under heavy or serious medications are not accepted for surgery. Many women after pregnancy who want to achieve their pre-pregnancy shape are opting for this procedure.

Procedure of Standard Tummy Tuck

Patient is infused with anaesthesia for comfort and safety. Differentiating factor of Standard tummy tuck procedure and limited or mini tummy tuck is cut-out which goes above belly button, whereas in case of mini and limited procedure cut-out residues below belly button. Surgeon uses stitching method to make muscles tighter, and excessive skin is also removed to give a firm body contour.For avoiding any fluid collection in stomach region drain tubes are placed during surgery and these drainage tubes residues in patients body for at least ten to fourteen days. After the surgery is done, incisions are closed by making sutures. These sutures are removed within a week.

Recovery After Standard Tummy Tuck

Post-surgery of Standard Tummy tuck patients recovery process is different than every other tummy tuck procedure. Its recommended to take advice from surgeon during recovery period for smooth and quick recovery. Reason is quite simple all these procedures are unlike each other. For Ex. With Mini Abdominoplasty recovery time is fairly quick and patients are able to resume their normal activity within one week. Important thing about recovery with any cosmetic surgery is following guidelines given by the tummy tuck surgeon , and maintain a positive attitude. Patients sometimes get frustrated quite quickly post-surgery, but its important to note that not all cosmetic surgery provides quick results.

Standard Tummy TuckCost-

Abdominoplasty or commonly known as tummy tuck cost depends on various factors, but purpose of any tummy tuck procedure is to tighten and sculpt the contours of abdominal wall. Costing factors includes age of the patient, health and weight. Patient should also be aware of any further treatment cost. Total cost may rise if the procedure turns out to be complex. Complexity of procedure depends on pre-existing medical condition of the patient along with overall medical health. Patient might require expensive drugs along with anaesthesia specialist which would drive up the procedure cost high.Dont make the mistake of penny pinching while choosing the surgeon. Remember an inexperience surgeon might not only leave you with inferior result, but a nightmare scenario of scars and unachieved result. Choose an expert and qualified cosmetic surgeon who has experience in performing tummy tuck procedure. This surgeon might cost you more money, but results for which youre spending money on are guaranteed. Alluremedspa pride it selves on providing transparency in price structure. Prospective patients can send us their description stating height, weight, images and main concerns. After receiving required information we would send them a descriptive and personalised price fortheir cosmetic enhancement.

About Center-

Alluremedspa is recognized name worldwide for cosmetic surgery . Co-founded by Dr. Milan Doshi its serving cosmetic needs of people from all over the globe. Alluremedspa is equipped with world-class facility and professional staff and nurses to take excellent care of every patient. If you have any quires about cosmetic surgery/procedure or simply want to book a consult feel free call us at +91 98690 41559 . Our patient coordinators are always happy to guide you. Prospective patients can even drop an e-mail or simply request a brochure.

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RealSelf Patient Reviews of Milan Doshi, MBBS, MCh